Duc de Rohan Statue
Duc de Rohan Statue
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1 Bewertung
Sehr gut
Zürich, Schweiz29’094 Beiträge
März 2021
On our hike, partly on the 'Weinwanderweg', through the vineyards of the 'Bündner Herrschaft' and its four attractive villages (Fläsch, Maienfeld, Jenins, Malans) we were surprised to find by the main road outside Jenins an unusual statue of a man in 17th century attire. Looking closer we could see on the pedestal two bronze plaques. On one it said: '1579 - 1638', on the other 'Henri Duc de Rohan - Der die Burgunder-Rebe in die Herrschaft brachte'.
It refers to a key figure of the 'Bündner Wirren', one of the most complicated historical events anywhere on today's Swiss soil. Originally from Britanny, he was a leader of the protestant Huguenots, but as a capable military man he was given commands by the catholic French king Louis XIII. In the Grisons he defeated the Austrians and Spanish, but then was ousted by the Three Leagues of Graubünden out of fear that the French might not leave anymore. His last battle here was at the so-called 'Rohanschanze', a star-shaped defense system between Jenins and Malans, now dismantled.
During his stay in this area the 'Pinot Noir' (Blauburgunder) grape appeared, quickly becoming the most common variety cultivated here. Some say that it was not the 'good duke' (as he was called), but local mercenaries serving in the French army, who had brought the first cuttings from Burgundy.
Today's statue by the parking of the Gasthof 'Zur Bündte' looks rather funny with the head and the hands being far too big for the body. Definitely no masterpiece. His legs with boots wide apart, he is wearing a wide sash, going all the way to the ground. His hair is curly and long, but it is not a wig (which had just come in fashion then thanks to his king), since on the top he is bald, as can be seen on contemporary pictures of him. He also has a moustache and a chin beard, while with his hands he is rolling open a document. The monument is a 20th century work by a not much known sculptor (P.W.Adam) from nearby Bad Ragaz.
It refers to a key figure of the 'Bündner Wirren', one of the most complicated historical events anywhere on today's Swiss soil. Originally from Britanny, he was a leader of the protestant Huguenots, but as a capable military man he was given commands by the catholic French king Louis XIII. In the Grisons he defeated the Austrians and Spanish, but then was ousted by the Three Leagues of Graubünden out of fear that the French might not leave anymore. His last battle here was at the so-called 'Rohanschanze', a star-shaped defense system between Jenins and Malans, now dismantled.
During his stay in this area the 'Pinot Noir' (Blauburgunder) grape appeared, quickly becoming the most common variety cultivated here. Some say that it was not the 'good duke' (as he was called), but local mercenaries serving in the French army, who had brought the first cuttings from Burgundy.
Today's statue by the parking of the Gasthof 'Zur Bündte' looks rather funny with the head and the hands being far too big for the body. Definitely no masterpiece. His legs with boots wide apart, he is wearing a wide sash, going all the way to the ground. His hair is curly and long, but it is not a wig (which had just come in fashion then thanks to his king), since on the top he is bald, as can be seen on contemporary pictures of him. He also has a moustache and a chin beard, while with his hands he is rolling open a document. The monument is a 20th century work by a not much known sculptor (P.W.Adam) from nearby Bad Ragaz.
Verfasst am 14. März 2021
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