Amber Lounge

Amber Lounge

Dauer: Über 3 Stunden
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4.0 von fünf Punkten10 Bewertungen
Sehr gut

Barry G
1 Beitrag
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2019
Fantastic experience at the Amber lounge!! Very professionally run club , from the doorman on the entrance , floor staff and entertainers. Cant sing its praises enough..a must go to destination when at the Grand Prix !!!
Here's to 2020
Verfasst am 19. Februar 2020
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Naples, Florida45 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2019
Always always ALWAYS a good time at Amber - been going since 2006 and the crowd has changed by the atmosphere has not.... like no other club - ESPECIALLY on Monaco Grand Prix Sunday night.
Verfasst am 2. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Patrick Wedes
Sydney, Australien47 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2019 • Paare
If you call they will help you. The event on Friday night is well worth the investment. Cocktails on arrival, F1 Driver and Supermodel Fashion Show on the Catwalk, then a Charity Auction, followed by a superb three course AL La carte dinner then Party till late. I love it.
Verfasst am 11. Juli 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Edinburgh, UK124 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2018 • Freunde
I really love this set up. Dedicated party time at the Grand Prix. Great DJs, drivers, celebrities and just great F1 fans. No complaints. Monaco this year was great:-)
Verfasst am 1. Juni 2018
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Alex H
Seattle, WA63 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Juli 2017 • Freunde
Lovely place to eat or drink... all white with white curtains suspended dividing seating areas in a sexy way... wind blows through... music playing... beautiful people! Great time!
Verfasst am 10. Juli 2017
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Watchung, New Jersey5 Beiträge
1.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2017 • Paare
Don't waist your money with Amber Lounge Monaco. The food was horrible. No one ate, and the nightclub was not hopping. They also lied that the F1 drivers will be in attendance on the last night. I paid over $9,000 for Sunday's Party for my family of 5 to have dinner and get a shared VIP table. The table that we received in the club was hidden in the back corner next to the bar without any view of the stage. It was blocked by a wall and separated from all of the party. You could barely hear the music because there wasn't any speakers pointed in that direction. The manager claimed to make up for it by placing F1 drivers at the table in front of the bar. WRONG!!!! They were Mexican businessmen. WE ASKED. Additionally, two other couples paid $1,675.00 per person to share the table with us. We were all seriously robbed Amber Lounge. The worst part was that when I complained about the table and refused to accept it. They claimed that I was being belligerent and threatened to kick us out. Remember that you have no recourse to get your money back from these prepaid events if you are dissatisfied with where they accommodate you. I will never ever pre purchase a table for dinner and in a club again. These people seriously need to go out of business because they are only getting this kind of money from unassuming travelers who wish to partake in the Formula Race who is not a regular. The regulars were in the 4 other nightclubs having the best time of their life for a fraction of what we paid. Lastly, they treat you like garbage. No respect for their guests and especially their bigspenders because they are frauds and know it.
Verfasst am 31. Mai 2017
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Eric F.
376 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2016
Always a great place to meet some interesting people and have a lot of fun. Love the after race party !!
Verfasst am 23. April 2017
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
That's right Eric, thank you and hope to see you in Amber Lounge soon
Verfasst am 24. April 2017
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.

Daniel F
20 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Dez. 2016 • Freunde
If you want the ultimate F1 Experience and you can afford to pay for what you clearly get then do it in style with the Amber Lounge. Fantastic staff, great food and drink and the parties are amongst the best in the world.
Verfasst am 2. Dezember 2016
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Sospel, Frankreich4 Beiträge
5.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2016
Amazing Formula 1 weekend with amber lounge - we went on the friday for a charity fashion show, dinner and party then again on the Sunday and saw so many F1 drivers
Verfasst am 11. Juli 2016
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Massachusetts5 Beiträge
1.0 von fünf Punkten
Mai 2016 • Paare
We bought three days entertainment package for Amber Lounge during the Grand Prix through Fairmont Hotel. We paid $7,000 per person (two of us). None of the events which was organized by Amber Lounge was worth the money or close to the advertisement description. The staff was rude and not polite. The transportation for the first night event was not provided (as for all other days) and we were stacked at the hotel.

The second day when we arrived to the yacht to watch Formula 1 practice I was wearing dress since nobody told me to wear shorts and I was asked to climb the boat. Having all of the guys around I assumed that it might be a nice entertainment for them to see climbing lady who wears a light dress while wind is blowing. And since I did not want to show my underwear to the Monaco Bay I yelled on staff to find another solution for me to get into the boat (yelling definitely worked).

At the same night we arrived for dinner to Amber Lounge and we were served the same food as we got during the first night. It looked like the food was just heated up (We paid $250 per person for dinner). Shisha that was served for additional price was not of a good quality.

Having all these experiences we decided do not visit the lounge on the third night (was paid $250 for dinner and $800 for night club per person). I was really afraid to be poisoned by their not fresh food and did not want to deal with unpolite staff.
Verfasst am 8. Juni 2016
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