Touren in Frankfurt am Main
7-tägige Tour zu europäischen Höhepunkten ab Frankfurt: Deutschland, Tschechische Republik, Slowakei, Ungarn, Österreich und Schweiz
7-tägige Tour zu europäischen Höhepunkten ab Frankfurt: Deutschland, Tschechische Republik, Slowakei, Ungarn, Österreich und Schweiz
Von goEUgo International Limited
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Tripadvisor verleiht Unterkünften, Attraktionen und Restaurants, die regelmäßig tolle Reisebewertungen erhalten und zu den Top 10 % der Unternehmen auf Tripadvisor zählen, einen Travellers' Choice Award.
TiefpreisgarantieKostenlose Stornierung
Alter: 0 - 99, maximal 30 Pers. pro Gruppe
Dauer: 7 Tage
Startzeit: Verfügbarkeit prüfen
Mobiles Ticket
Reiseführer (Person): Chinesisch, Englisch
- Unterkunft in einem komfortablen 3-Sterne-Hotel (mindestens), Zweibettzimmer mit eigenem Bad.
- Frühstück
- Frühstück
- Frühstück
- Frühstück
- Frühstück
- Frühstück
- Tägliche Beförderung in modernen, klimatisierten Bussen
- Erfahrener und professioneller Busfahrer
- Dienste eines erfahrenen Reiseleiters
Nicht im Leistungsumfang enthalten- Unterkunft vor und am letzten Tag der Tour
- Visa und Reiseversicherung
- Alle nicht im Reiseplan aufgeführten optionalen Aktivitäten und Tickets für Sehenswürdigkeiten
- Persönliche Ausgaben wie Wäscherei, Internetzugang, Anrufe usw.
- Eintrittsgelder für die Stadt + Steuern für die Tschechische Republik und Wien (insgesamt 10 €)
- Mittagessen und Abendessen (der Reiseleiter bietet Hilfe bei Reservierungen und Wegbeschreibungen zu lokalen Restaurants und Cafés, Restaurants an Tankstellen)
- Trinkgeld für den Reiseleiter/Fahrer 7 € pro Person und Tag, wird während der Tour in bar abgeholt.
- Eintritt – Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof
- Eintritt – Prague Castle
- Eintritt – Katedrála Svateho Víta
- Eintritt – Georgskirche
- Eintritt – Golden Lane
- Eintritt – Staroměstská Radnice
- Eintritt – Danube River
- Eintritt – Budapesti Történeti Múzeum
- Eintritt – Halászbástya
- Eintritt – Matthias Church
- Eintritt – Gellért Hill
- Eintritt – Heldenplatz
- Eintritt – Schloss Schönbrunn
- Eintritt – Hofburg
- Eintritt – Wiener Staatsoper
- Eintritt – Domkirche St Stephan
- Eintritt – Johann-Strauss-Denkmal
- Eintritt – Basilika St. Michael
- Eintritt – Munich Marienplatz
- Eintritt – Titlis
- Eintritt – Löwendenkmal
- Eintritt – Kapellbrücke
- Eintritt – Zürichsee
- Eintritt – Titisee
- Eintritt – Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof
- Start:
- Frankfurt (Main) Hbf, Am Hauptbahnhof, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, GermanyBegeben Sie sich zum Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof, Haupteingang. Adresse: Am Hauptbahnhof, 60329 Frankfurt, Deutschland Der Bus fährt rechtzeitig vom Treffpunkt ab. Bitte seien Sie 15 Minuten vor Abfahrtszeit am Treffpunkt. Wir können nicht haftbar gemacht werden für diejenigen, die die Abholung zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt versäumen. Der Passagier übernimmt die volle Verantwortung für sämtliche Ausgaben. Rückkehr: Rückkehr zum Ausgangspunkt am Sonntag - Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof zwischen 18:30 Uhr und 19:00 Uhr etwa. Zeitänderungen sind möglich, je nach den Verkehrsverhältnissen vor Ort oder unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen.
Ende:Diese Aktivität endet an dem Treffpunkt, an dem sie begonnen hat. - Nicht barrierefrei
- Gute Anbindung an öffentlichen Nahverkehr
- Kleinkinder müssen auf dem Schoß sitzen
Falls Sie Fragen bezüglich der Barrierefreiheit haben, helfen wir Ihnen gerne weiter. Rufen Sie uns einfach über die unten stehende Telefonnummer an und geben Sie den Produktcode 8976P3 an.- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Name im Reisepass und Reisepassnummer, Geschlecht, Geburtsdatum und Nationalität sind erforderlich für alle Passagiere. Teilen Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung mit.
- Jeder Passagier ist selbst dafür verantwortlich, dass gültiger Reisepass vorhanden ist (muss gültig sein für mindestens 6 Monate), Visa, Gesundheit, Versicherung und andere erforderlichen Dokumente für die Reise in die Länder, die Sie besuchen werden
- Kinder unter dem Alter von 18 Jahren müssen in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen sein
- Kinder von 0-2 Jahren sind kostenlos, sie dürfen im Bus keinen eigenen Sitzplatz und kein eigenes Bett beanspruchen
- Jeder Kunde darf nur ein Gepäckstück (Höchstgewicht 30 kg) und 1 kleines Handgepäckstück (Handtasche, Rucksack, Kameratasche) an Bord mitnehmen
- Es wird ein Standard-Zweibettzimmer gebucht während der Tour, aber ein Doppelbett kann angefordert werden. 1 Doppelzimmer mit zwei Einzelbetten bietet Platz für 2 Erwachsene und 1 Kind (2-11, kein separates Bett). Wenn diese Regel nicht gilt und Sie mit Kindern reisen, dann wird die Erwachsenengebühr berechnet.
- Für jede ungerade Anzahl von Reisenden machen Sie bitte eine separate Buchung für den letzten Reisenden mit der Option: „ALLEINREISENDER“, da ein Einzelzimmer-Zuschlag von 50 Euro pro Person pro Nacht bezahlt werden muss
- Keine Dreibettzimmer werden arrangiert für Gruppen von 3 Personen aufgrund der begrenzten Anzahl von Dreibettzimmern in Europäischen Hotels
- Hoteldetails werden 24 bis 48 Stunden vor dem Anreisedatum bereitgestellt.
- Für die meisten Personen geeignet
- goEUgo behält sich das Recht vor, die Kunden der englischsprachigen und der chinesischsprachigen Tour im selben Bus zu kombinieren, wenn eine Gruppe weniger Reisende hat. Auf der Tour gibt es 1 Tourleiter.
- goEUgo besitzt alle Urheberrechte, um Bilder und Videos zu verwenden und wiederzuverwenden, die während der goEUgo-Touren aufgenommen wurden.
- Die Informationen in dieser Publikation wurden mit größter Sorgfalt zusammengestellt; dennoch dürfen aus dieser Publikation keine Rechte abgeleitet werden.
- Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund technischer Einschränkungen kann unser Buchungssystem derzeit nicht mit dem von Viator synchronisiert werden. Daher werden Ihre Buchung oder etwaige Änderungen erst nach Erhalt unseres offiziellen Tourvouchers bestätigt. Das herunterladbare „Ticket“ aus dem Viator-System gilt nicht als Bestätigung. Ohne unseren Tourgutschein müssen wir uns das Recht vorbehalten, die Buchung zu stornieren und Änderungen der Tourdaten oder der Gruppengröße abzulehnen. Wir entschuldigen uns für etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten und bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kooperation
- Diese Tour/Aktivität ist für höchstens 30 Reisende geeignet.
- Wenn Sie mindestens 4 Tage vor der geplanten Abreise eine Stornierung vornehmen, fällt keine Stornierungsgebühr an.
- Wenn Sie innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach der geplanten Abreise eine Stornierung vornehmen, fällt eine Stornierungsgebühr von 100 % an.
- Falls Sie Fragen zu dieser Tour haben oder Hilfe bei der Buchung brauchen, sind wir gerne für Sie da. Rufen Sie uns einfach über die unten stehende Telefonnummer an und geben Sie den Produktcode 8976P3 an.
CHF 771.53
pro Erwachsenem
Datum und Anzahl der Reisenden auswählen
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Informationen zum Veranstalter
Sie müssen sich nicht nur auf unser Wort verlassen: Sehen Sie selbst, was andere Reisende über diesen Anbieter sagen.
- 701klemensb0 BeiträgeHilfe bei einer finanziellen NotlageIch muß den Reiseführer Che Lim ganz besonders loben, weil er in einer finanziellen Notlage eines Gastes mit viel Herz und Angagement sehr geholfen hat. Solche Menschen brauchen wir. Ich kann ihn nur empfehlen. Danke danke danke für ihre Hilfe. Auch seine Firma hat gut dazu beigetragen, hier zu helfen. Danke an alle Beteiligten. Weiter so. Ihr seid gut und vertrauenswürdig. Mit euch zu reisen kann ich nur empfehlen!Verfasst am 17. Oktober 2022
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9 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Brad J
2 Beiträge
Sept. 2023 • Familie
I grudgingly booked a trip from Munich to Prague on the ALX Train due to a last-minute cancellation by Flixbus. All the negative reviews I had read about the ALX Trains were proven correct, and sadly I am able to add to that negativity. The train was late to depart Munich. The train was actually comprised of two halves and scheduled to "split" for separate destinations at one of the stops along the way. There were no ALX staff on the platform to advise passengers of this. Consequently, many passengers ended up in the wrong cars. The train was grossly oversold, and many people had to stand the entire time. Prior to the train "split", those passengers finding themselves the wrong set of cars had to make a mad dash at one of the stops, baggage in tow, to situate themselves in the set of cars destined for Prague. My wife and I rode this portion of the trip standing in the airlock between cars. Shortly after the train split and we were on the way to Prague, the train stopped at a small German town, and we were all ordered to "Get Off" the train. We were unceremoniously "Dumped" on the platform with no explanation or alternatives. Passengers were stunned by this abrupt situation and began try and get some sense of what was going on. One group of older ladies traveling together spoke with us. They stated that they fluently understood the Czech language and culture and were thoroughly convinced that the train engineer, who was making the PA announcements prior to the train stoppage, was "most definitely intoxicated". This conclusion was based on the slurred speech detected by these ladies. Not speaking the language, I was not aware of this. Less than reassuring by any standard, given the overcrowding and potential for disaster. After milling about on the station platform for over two hours with no guidance or explanation for the marooned passengers (on a hot, sunny afternoon) a police presence began to develop. Shortly thereafter, the several hundred stranded individuals surged onto the platform as the result of a posted ALX Train departure to Prague on the platform monitor. The police maintained order while waiting for this "replacement" train to arrive. This train did arrive, and we boarded without incident, a very overcrowded train to Prague. I simply cannot overstate the abject failure of the company operating these ALX Trains to meet the very basic expectations of passengers. Save yourself the time, expense, aggravation and potential hazard to your personal safety by seeking alternative transportation. The ICE, DB Regional or other alternatives are recommended.
Verfasst am 1. Oktober 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Hongkong, China76 Beiträge
Juli 2023 • Paare
Honor its promise and agreement in relation to hotel accommodations arrangement Bed and Breakfast Hotel. Not to mention the room was terribly small with poor amenities, the bed size suited kids more. As I was afraid I would fall onto the ground in the middle of the night my wife and I moved mattress onto the ground and slept on the floor. I had contacted the Reception
asking for room upgrade to a larger size room at my expenses but was replied that all the rooms in the hotel were of the same size except 3 bed-room family room but bed size the same. We really had a long and difficult night. When making the tour booking It was promised and agreed with us to have 3-star (minimum) comfortable hotel during the tour. Viator has definitely not honored the agreement. I am a regular old customer of Viator. On this occasion, I am absolutely disappointed and lost my confidence on Viator on future booking of tours with them.
asking for room upgrade to a larger size room at my expenses but was replied that all the rooms in the hotel were of the same size except 3 bed-room family room but bed size the same. We really had a long and difficult night. When making the tour booking It was promised and agreed with us to have 3-star (minimum) comfortable hotel during the tour. Viator has definitely not honored the agreement. I am a regular old customer of Viator. On this occasion, I am absolutely disappointed and lost my confidence on Viator on future booking of tours with them.
Verfasst am 30. Juli 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Emily N
Singapur9 Beiträge
Juli 2023 • Freunde
It was a hectic & fast-paced 7days & 6nights tour travelling to cities on blue line. A lot of time spent on the coach ride and pretty tiring sitting & wasted many hours on the bus. GoEuGo arranged lousy hotels like B&B hotel Zurich with poor service from hotel staff and equipment broke down in the room. Life hotel has no aircon and slept in the room with only one fan. They put us up in some hotels in secluded areas that have no shopping malls, restaurants or cafes around the area.
The Chinese tour guide, Tony was quite disorganised as one time, we were given 30mins to eat dinner just because some people signed up for an optional activity & he had to bring them to the venue. He could just let us have dinner & meet after he finished with them. Sometimes, don't quite understand what he was trying to explain in English.
Basically, you just catch a glimpse of the city that you go & rushing to do shopping even though the tour might give you some time to do. Overall, the trip was not very enjoyable as it was always rushing & given little time to explore most places.
The Chinese tour guide, Tony was quite disorganised as one time, we were given 30mins to eat dinner just because some people signed up for an optional activity & he had to bring them to the venue. He could just let us have dinner & meet after he finished with them. Sometimes, don't quite understand what he was trying to explain in English.
Basically, you just catch a glimpse of the city that you go & rushing to do shopping even though the tour might give you some time to do. Overall, the trip was not very enjoyable as it was always rushing & given little time to explore most places.
Verfasst am 26. Juli 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
26 Beiträge
Juni 2023 • Familie
Great experience!
The blue line tour gave us the opportunity to visit multiple countries without the hassle of worrying about where to leave our luggages or thinking where to stay.
In some places we were only given a limited time but given the extensive itinerary, this is very much justified.
We had a great time! Daniel, our tour guide was knowledgeable and helpful. He gave us practical tips as well.
Thank you GoEUGo for this unforgettable trip 😊
The blue line tour gave us the opportunity to visit multiple countries without the hassle of worrying about where to leave our luggages or thinking where to stay.
In some places we were only given a limited time but given the extensive itinerary, this is very much justified.
We had a great time! Daniel, our tour guide was knowledgeable and helpful. He gave us practical tips as well.
Thank you GoEUGo for this unforgettable trip 😊
Verfasst am 19. Juni 2023
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Louisville, TN41 Beiträge
Sept. 2019
We did the blue line trip thru 7 countries in 7 days. There were people from 10 different countries on our bus. Some people on our bus were doing 14 and 21 day trips. The tour operator "goEUgo" allows you to customize your trip to get on and off at various cities. It's a great way to see Europe. Our tour guide Mickey, was fantastic. She spoke english and she was very knowledgable on everything we saw. It was fast-paced, but you would never be able to see everything we saw on your own in such a short time. We still had time to sightsee and shop. The tour was flexible. The tour didn't cover entrance fees to all venues, so you could pick and choose which places you wanted to see. We would highly recommend this trip.
Verfasst am 2. Oktober 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Peter T
1 Beitrag
Sept. 2019
The travel flexibility was just right for us. Excellent guide with very good local knowledge and excellent English. The group was good travel companion from all over the English speaking world with very diverse background.
Verfasst am 29. September 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
San Diego, Kalifornien1 Beitrag
Sept. 2019 • Freunde
At first I was so skeptical about taking tour bus because I knew it's gonna be exhausting and time limited to see the historical landmarks but I was wrong. My first European tour bus turned out to be memorable, fun and I made so much friends. Tour Guide Mano did an awesome job, love the way he coordinated the daily itineraries, very knowledgeable about historic events, places and he ensure that every day was unforgettable moments, super honest and very accommodating. See you again next year GoEuGo! Thanks a lot Mano. Keep up the good work! By the way, I took blue and green lines. Best Regards - Rob of San Diego California
Verfasst am 20. September 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Ruwantha Lakshan
Vancouver, Kanada383 Beiträge
Nov. 2018 • Allein/Single
I took this Blue Line tour during November 2018. It was a great experience and wonderful tour. Tim was knowledgeable and shared lots of facts about Europe and these specific countries. This experience lead me to take another 2 tours from GOEUGO
Verfasst am 13. Juni 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Dear Ruwanth
Greetings from goEUgo Team!
I wanted to thank you for your review and for your time to write this review. We are incredible happy to hear that you are satisfied with our service!
We look forward to see you again soon on many more other lines!
Explore Europe the goEUgo way!
Have a great day!
Kind regards,
Maggie Chau
Verfasst am 13. Juni 2019
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Channel Islands Nationalpark, Kalifornien31 Beiträge
Feb. 2019 • Familie
We booked this tour on TripAdvisor, through Viator - a TripAdvisor company that we have used before, but this tour is operated by GoEuGo, a Chinese tour company catering to Mainland Chinese tourists. The coach has no Wi-Fi, and was always at full capacity (50) because it is ran like a hop-on and hop-off bus, where the tour will pick up people on various stops and also drop off people. Majority of the instructions and explanations were in Chinese, as with 90% of the fellow passengers.
Email inquiries to GoEuGo as to time of returning to the Frankfurt were unanswered. Had to contactTripAdvisor to get answers. For us, tours of Slovakia palace and St. Matin's church never took places advertised, other than an overnight stay at the Lindner hotel in Bratislava, which was actually the best hotel we stay for the 6 nights - where it is above a mall with lots of restaurants and shopping.
The Hungarian dinner with folk dance highly touted by out tour guide at extra 50,00 Euro per person for was a complete waste of money and time. The location was secluded. The food was salty and dry, and the all you can drink wine was cheap. Only tourist groups were present. A tourist trap... stay away.
The visit to the Prague was great, as we had a great time on our own to explore the town and find a lunch spot (we used TA and found a great lunch spot).
The Vienna concert experience of Mozart and Strauss (you pay extra 69 Euro + 15 Euro for transportation) was a TOURIST TRAP. The worst concert experience that I have ever had. It was at held at the wiener Walzer, a building and not a concert hall nor designed for acoustics and large crowds. The hall had no elevators, the room was packed with tiny chairs and no air circulation. You are force to pay 1 Euro for coat check. The drink was bad. The entire production was Mickey Mouse and unimpressive for the money paid.
As English speakers, we felt out of place as our group comprised predominately of Chinese tourists who smokes at every stop and are not very cordial and friendly as we would have expect with other tourists that we have traveled with.
Our tour guide did his best to translate for us, as majority of the instructions were in Chinese. Therefore, Would not recommend this tour if you do not understand Chinese.
Email inquiries to GoEuGo as to time of returning to the Frankfurt were unanswered. Had to contactTripAdvisor to get answers. For us, tours of Slovakia palace and St. Matin's church never took places advertised, other than an overnight stay at the Lindner hotel in Bratislava, which was actually the best hotel we stay for the 6 nights - where it is above a mall with lots of restaurants and shopping.
The Hungarian dinner with folk dance highly touted by out tour guide at extra 50,00 Euro per person for was a complete waste of money and time. The location was secluded. The food was salty and dry, and the all you can drink wine was cheap. Only tourist groups were present. A tourist trap... stay away.
The visit to the Prague was great, as we had a great time on our own to explore the town and find a lunch spot (we used TA and found a great lunch spot).
The Vienna concert experience of Mozart and Strauss (you pay extra 69 Euro + 15 Euro for transportation) was a TOURIST TRAP. The worst concert experience that I have ever had. It was at held at the wiener Walzer, a building and not a concert hall nor designed for acoustics and large crowds. The hall had no elevators, the room was packed with tiny chairs and no air circulation. You are force to pay 1 Euro for coat check. The drink was bad. The entire production was Mickey Mouse and unimpressive for the money paid.
As English speakers, we felt out of place as our group comprised predominately of Chinese tourists who smokes at every stop and are not very cordial and friendly as we would have expect with other tourists that we have traveled with.
Our tour guide did his best to translate for us, as majority of the instructions were in Chinese. Therefore, Would not recommend this tour if you do not understand Chinese.
Verfasst am 14. Februar 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Dear Rock,
Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that your experience with goEUgo tour is not what you have expected. Customer happiness is important to us.
goEUgo International Limited is indeed a Chinese based company, started it's roots in Rotterdam, Netherlands. We have grown in the past 30 years as an international company. We do not only create tours for Chinese travelers from mainland China, we also have many travelers from all over the world. The concept we created is very simple it refers to a continuously on-going coach rotation based on a fixed itinerary. Each goEUgo line completes full circulation in 7 days without fail, with the initial departure point being the drop-off point. Departures are guaranteed for the whole year, with fixed interchange points so passengers can change to other goEUgo lines and customize their holiday. Our coaches travel from East to West Europe, Northern to Southern Europe, in any order or preference.
Indeed, we must apologize for the wrong description of the itinerary at Viator itself. We had some errors about the information on Viator, we have updated already, our sincere apologies for that. We also send the most updated itinerary to every traveler who has booked the tour, through Viator messages.
We understand that you might feel uncomfortable among a lot of Chinese people, and maybe you are not used to travel with many Asians. We do apologize for the inconvenience caused. However, we are a very open-minded company, every traveler interested in our tour is more than welcome wherever they come from. We do our utmost best to provide the best services to every traveler.
I sincerely thank you for bringing many matters to our attention, we appreciate your feedback to our product and will take it all into consideration.
Thank you and best regards,
Maggie Chau
Verfasst am 2. April 2019
Diese Antwort stellt die subjektive Meinung des Managementvertreters dar, jedoch nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC.
Is this a Chinese speaking tour?
Verfasst am 4. August 2019
No, I booked the English speaking tour all the way to the end of my tour and our tour bus were filled of lovely English speaking people from USA, Peru, Malaysia, Canada, Costa Rica, India and a lot more.
Verfasst am 20. September 2019
What is the expect arrival time back in Frankfurt on Day 7?
Verfasst am 19. Juni 2019
hi kindly tell us about your email address and phone number. Kindly tell us if we book you and incase dint get visa so how much will you refund us and will you provide us with supporting letter for visa for germany consulate karachi , pakistan . Thankyou
Verfasst am 18. Juni 2019
Maggie Chau-
The only review for this tour was very honest and as a frequent traveler, I found his review very helpful. Why did you state the reviewer “feels uncomfortable around Asians”? Insinuating he was racist. He listed his reasons as anyone might feel. It was you who decided to connect his reasons as racist. I am very disappointed in your response. Unprofessional and inflammatory.
Verfasst am 7. Mai 2019
Can this tour start from munich or I myself reach Prague on 19 may and continue till 22 may than head back to Berlin as I am coming for official reason but want to visit near by places.....can you help
Verfasst am 24. April 2019
What is the approx. additional cost after all the tips and entry fees to the 20+ listed locations?
Verfasst am 28. März 2019
I am wandering why, only 4 days itinerary was posted, what about the next 3 days. Please add the details.
Verfasst am 19. Februar 2019
Does this tour include sightseeing in Salzburg or directly goes to Munich?
Verfasst am 14. Februar 2019
Is this a 7 day tour or 4 day tour? The title and description are misleading. Pls clarify
Verfasst am 10. Februar 2019
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